Saturday, May 14, 2011

I need to write something

"I'm having a crisis and I need you. NO ONE WILL WANT TO READ ABOUT MY LIFE. I have no reason to ever write a memoir. I AM AVERAGE." —Me to Alexa earlier today

I had been documenting my life since my thirteenth birthday. I have kept handwritten diaries, private blogs, and text-based computer files about my life for over ten years.  Even when the daily chronicles slowed down, I kept something.  I've saved ticket stubs and programs and photos and various mementos.  I need to have a record of my life.

I want to write a memoir.  I'm kinda average, but maybe that's the appeal.  I could be relatable.  Maybe I can be entertaining or inspiring.  At the very least, I want to be remembered.

Since I'm not comfortable making certain areas of my life totally public yet (um, my parents would read would certain subjects who need to be featured due to their prominent roles in my life), maybe this calls for another project.

Alexa and I are going to work on something, and if it goes according to plan, we'll at least self-publish so we can have a tangible thing to show off.  We are twenty-somethings figuring out life.  That's definitely relatable.

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